10.04.2024 – Dark-Fog+ on Playstore and Website update

From now on the commercial license and expanted feature version of the Dark-Fog Client for Android, can be directly puchased at the google playstore. It will only be needed to purchase via e-mail if the targeted device does not have support by the playstore version anymore. The main-website of Dark-Fog will be updated in the next time for better presentation of its software purpose.

18.08.2023 – New Client versions of Dark-Fog

Dark-Fog has received a little new Update that did not change anything about its functionality, but added a new common style and icon to it, to match its new Android version. The free version can be easily downloaded like usual and the licensed version will be send via email like always.

16.08.2023 - Dark-Fog News

We have a new website! Since Dark-Fog is getting more and more attention, the development behind it has decided to hast a new website for it for better management and information overview for anyone interested.

Key-Features of Dark-Fog

These are the Key-Features of Dark-Fog, who display the easy and secure solution, to store and share important files!

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Safe public file sharing.

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Desktop and Mobile support.